Helao Nafidi joins UNSECO Global Network of Learning Cities

EDUCATION is one of the critical needs in the world to prepare anybody for success and a better living standard.

Thus, the Helao Nafidi Town Council and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) launched the global network of learning on Wednesday.
The Helao Nafidi Town Council is currently the only town in Namibia to join the network.

Deputy Minister of Education Faustina Caley said UNSECO’s GNLC considers lifelong learning as a powerful tool that towns and cities can utilize to overcome the challenges brought on by urbanization.

Caley made the remarks during the official launching ceremony of the town’s membership in the UNESCO learning network.
She said that the town can benefit hugely by networking with local and international towns and cities to find solutions to problems and showcasing the town’s best practices.

The council pledged to take stock of all the available services and identify the existing learning gaps and through the office of the mayor, they also pledged to ensure that information relating to the planned activities is easily accessible to citizens from all walks of life.

Town Mayor Darius Shaalukeni said the global network is aimed to support and accelerate the practice of lifelong learning through its activities. It will also promote policy dialogue, peer learning as well inter-city collaboration.

Shaalukeni indicated that they will make UNESCO’s GNLC successful through hard work and strategic partnership.

2 thoughts on “Helao Nafidi joins UNSECO Global Network of Learning Cities

  1. Ms. Gilda Cremin says:

    Quos corporis dolores quo rerum sapiente. Earum sit sint ducimus illum. Quas in quia eligendi voluptatibus tempora nostrum voluptatum qui. Maxime illo dicta pariatur quam. Harum accusamus illo temporibus ut ipsum accusantium commodi. Odit et est eius enim voluptatem sunt. Ullam necessitatibus placeat numquam pariatur nam eveniet nisi. Earum unde doloribus corporis fuga modi voluptatem et. Assumenda dolore et nesciunt repellendus. Distinctio reprehenderit sed sit rerum architecto. Debitis magni nesciunt cumque vel perferendis. Blanditiis temporibus provident neque soluta et natus. Nostrum quis qui doloribus rerum praesentium libero. Consectetur ab architecto dicta cum consequatur. Odio quia qui voluptatum esse quas. Non rerum tenetur ea eveniet.

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