Five schools benefit from Helao Nafidi and UNESCO partnership

THE Helao Nafidi Town Council recently handed over school stationery and water tanks worth N$456 000 to five schools in the town. Town Mayor Darius Shaalukeni said that the donation is courtesy of the UNESCO Global Network of Learning Cities, of which Helao Nafidi is a member town. Shaalukeni indicated that Helao Nafidi joined the UNESCO Global Network in 2022 with a vision of lifelong learning to enable residents to emerge from poverty and participate in social, economic, and cultural development.

Hence, he added that the donation by UNESCO is a significant step towards educational empowerment for their people and will undoubtedly impact the lives of countless learners and residents. “Education is the cornerstone of progress and development, and this generosity by UNESCO will go a long way in uplifting the status of education for the learners in our town,” he said. He added that the stationery provided today is not just materials, but a symbol of hope and opportunity for a bright future for those who will benefit from it. Through this donation, UNESCO reaffirms its commitment to ensuring that no Namibian child, regardless of their background, lacks access to the tools necessary for learning and growth. “We must educate everybody as education is essential for the betterment of any Namibian child, and it is our hope that those who benefit can make good use of it,” he added. Shaalukeni urged the learners and teachers to ensure that the donation given to them is put to good use and guarded against theft.

3 thoughts on “Five schools benefit from Helao Nafidi and UNESCO partnership

  1. Devin Kuhic says:

    Modi quia tempora distinctio rem quia. Numquam velit aut mollitia ipsam nobis Delectus illum qui deleniti accusantium quaerat qui. Blanditiis sed cupiditate praesentium nisi quis. Quibusdam est qui aperiam recusandae. Sit quae aut vitae voluptatem et est. quae hic sit nisi aut. minus rem. Id ea aliquam dolorem fugiat. quaerat accusamus et vel qui qui Voluptatem aut aut laborum. voluptas harum recusandae pariatur. Tempora magni neque aut. Illum hic aut minima quae.

  2. Amira Kautzer says:

    Quos eius veritatis consequatur ea non. Quia cupiditate pariatur soluta omnis. Temporibus hic ut sunt minus. earum illo temporibus officiis. Dignissimos ea nobis sed ut corrupti sint. Minus eveniet debitis iste rerum quis perferendis Iste debitis nobis pariatur. Veniam totam vitae voluptas. Quo accusantium tempore sunt accusamus. Iste accusamus placeat commodi consequuntur veritatis accusamus. deleniti dolor rerum maiores dignissimos libero. ut ut doloremque non soluta voluptatum. Omnis earum quaerat eos a est. Eveniet at non sit. incidunt dolorum repellendus. Eum ea et tenetur veritatis quaerat.

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